Thursday, December 20, 2007


i have washed hirespray
100 times.
people think i am crazy for washing hirespray
that many times.
i don't know why. Farrah said this would be something good to write on my blog.
she wanted me to write this to let people know
how crazy i am for washing hirespray
that many times.
but i love that movie. and i like to wash it.


Allyson said...

Lauren honey, I LOVE YOU! And I hope your movie is nice and clean now.

Anonymous said...


It's Cloe, from Dallas! I have a blog too!
Just so you know, Hairspray is my favorite movie too! I have seen it about 100 times and have every single song memorized! It's such a great movie!

I miss you so much!

Unknown said...

You are silly Lauren. I don't think I was the one who told you to blog about it though.

Hi Cloe!